I am a multidisciplinary designer and developer with a main focus on Digital Design and Branding, located in Cluj Napoca, Romania.
Throughout my 14 years of experience I have worked in various agencies as a web designer and developer.
I create and build websites to communicate a feeling of joy and comfort that shall invite the user to come back. For me, that means that not only graphical work, but also the frontend development like HTML & SCSS, JS, and WordPress or Craft CMS (backend, i know) are part of my field of activity.
The development section is really important to me, because I thereby constantly improve my skills and stay up-to-date with new methods and technology. Moreover, it presents a good change to the design part.
In the previous post, we discussed the workflow and basic commands of Git. In this post, we will discuss Git...
Worldwide, Git is the most popular version control system. A version control system records the changes we make to...
Software development and release require speed and agility. Branching and merging code can quickly become complicated when a large...
Angular is a framework and not a “library” Unlike other interesting alternatives such as React, Angular is not a...
Imagine we have a large service with many dependencies and logic. It should only be used when a user...
In this article, we’ll be looking at some ways to easily convert a Map to an object in JavaScript. 1. Object.fromEntries()...
At the core of every programming language is the concept of storing small pieces of information (data) in some...
Here is my list of Interview questions that I have been using at interviews to have a good conversation...
What is a Throttle Function? Let us assume a scenario where we need to add an event listener to...
Discover which loop or iterator suits your needs and prevent silly mistakes that hurt app performance. In web development,...